Doing projects in Very Large Scale Integrated circuit area create a grassy way for you to get Very Large Pay Scale in future. If your field of interest for creating your project in VLSI then Wiztech is best choice. The experienced personalities of WIZTECH will guide and suggest you to take the right direction in analyzing your projects and lead you to make your imaginary project complete.
VL0001 |
Bit-Swapping LFSR and Scan-Chain Ordering : A Novel Technique for Peak and Average Power Reduction in Scan-Based BIST | 2009 |
VL0002 |
Self-Test Techniques for Crypto-Devices | 2010 |
VL0003 |
Design of Low-Power High-Speed Truncation-Error-Tolerant Adder and ItsApplication in Digital Signal Processing | 2010 |
VL0004 |
Hardware Implementation of RFID Mutual Authentication Protocol | 2010 |
VL0005 |
Parallel and Pipeline Architectures for High-Throughput Computation ofMultilevel 3-D DWT | 2010 |
VL0006 |
A Low-Cost VLSI Implementation for Efficient Removal of Impulse Noise | 2010 |
VL0007 |
A High Bit Rate Serial-Serial Multiplier With On-the-Fly Accumulation by Asynchronous Counters | 2011 |
VL0008 |
A Fast Locking All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop via Feed-Forward Compensation Technique | 2011 |
VL0009 |
CMOS Full-Adders for Energy-Efficient Arithmetic Applications | 2011 |
VL0010 |
A Digital CMOS Parallel Counter Architecture Based on State Look-Ahead Logic | 2011 |
VL0011 |
Design of Fixed-Width Multipliers With Linear Compensation Function | 2011 |
VL0012 |
Design of Sequential Elements for Low Power Clocking System | 2011 |
VL0013 |
Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm for Memory Architecture | 2011 |
VL0014 |
High-Accuracy Fixed-Width Modified Booth Multipliers for Lossy Applications | 2011 |
VL0015 |
Power-Efficient Explicit-Pulsed Dual-Edge Triggered Sense-AmplifierFlip-Flops | 2011 |
VL0016 |
Reducing the Computation Time in (Short Bit-Width) Two's Complement Multipliers | 2011 |
VL0017 |
SET D-Flip Flop Design for Portable Applications | 2011 |
VL0018 |
Adiabatic Technique for Energy Efficient Logic Circuits Design | 2011
VL0019 |
Memory Efficient Modular VLSI Architecture for High throughput andLow-Latency Implementation of Multilevel Lifting 2-D DWT | 2011
VL0020 |
An Efficient Implementation of Floating Point Multiplier | 2011 |
VL0021 |
Radix-8 Booth Encoded Modulo 2^n-1 Multipliers With Adaptive Delay for High Dynamic Range Residue Number System | 2011 |
VL0022 |
Efficient Design of a Hybrid Adder Using Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata | 2011 |
VL0023 |
VLSI Characterization of the Cryptographic Hash Function BLAKE | 2011 |
VL0024 |
BIST-Based Fault Diagnosis for Read-Only Memories | 2011 |
VL0025 |
Word-Level Finite Field Multiplier Using Normal Basis | 2011 |
VL0026 |
Low-Power and Area-Efficient Carry Select Adder | 2012 |
VL0027 |
Low-Power Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flop Design With Conditional Pulse-Enhancement Scheme | 2012 |
VL0028 |
An Efficient TCAM-Based Implementation of Multi-pattern Matching UsingCovered State Encoding | 2012 |
VL0029 |
Efficient Majority Logic Fault Detection With Difference-Set Codes for Memory Applications | 2012 |
VL0030 |
FFT Implementation with Fused Floating-Point Operations | 2012 |
VL0031 |
High-Speed Architectures for Multiplication Using Reordered Normal Basis | 2012 |
VL0032 |
Low-Error and Hardware-Efficient Fixed-Width Multiplier by Using the Dual-Group Minor Input Correction Vector to Lower Input Correction Vector Compensation Error | 2012 |
VL0033 |
On Modulo2^n+1 Adder Design | 2012 |
VL0034 |
Accumulator Based 3-Weight Pattern Generation | 2012 |
VL0035 |
Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier using Vedic Mathematics Techniques | 2012 |
VL0036 |
Separable Reversible Data-Hiding of Image | 2012 |
VL0037 |
A High-Accuracy Adaptive Conditional-Probability Estimator for Fixed-Width Booth Multipliers | 2012 |
VL0038 |
Investigating the Impact of Logic and Circuit Implementation on Full Adder Performance | 2012 |
VL0039 |
A Low-Power Single-Phase Clock Multiband Flexible Divider | 2012 |
VL0040 |
Area-Time Efficient Scaling-Free CORDIC Using Generalized Micro-Rotation Selection | 2012
VL0041 |
Design of an Error Detection and Data Recovery Architecture for Motion Estimation Testing Applications | 2012 |
VL0042 |
Low Voltage and Low Power Divide-By-2/3 Counter Design Using Pass Transistor Logic Circuit Technique | 2012 |
VL0043 |
Measurement and Evaluation of Power Analysis Attacks on Asynchronous S-Box | 2012
VL0044 |
Effective and Efficient Approach for Power Reduction by Using Multi-Bit Flip-Flops | 2013 |
VL0045 |
An Efficient De noising Architecture for Removal of Impulse Noise in Images | 2013 |
VL0046 |
Area-Delay-Power Efficient Fixed-Point LMS Adaptive Filter With Low Adaptation-Delay | 2013 |
VL0047 |
Error Detection in Majority Logic Decoding of Euclidean Geometry Low Density Parity Check (EG-LDPC) Codes | 2013 |
VL0048 |
Design of Testable Reversible Sequential Circuits | 2013 |
VL0049 |
A Method to Construct Low Delay Single Error Correction Codes for Protecting Data Bits Only | 2013 |
VL0050 |
A Distributed TCAM Coprocessor Architecture for Integrated Longest Prefix Matching, Policy Filtering, and Content Filtering | 2013 |
VL0051 |
Low-Cost FIR Filter Designs Based on Faithfully Rounded Truncated Multiple Constant Multiplication/Accumulation | 2013 |
VL0052 |
Reconfigurable Processor for Binary Image Processing | 2013 |
VL0053 |
Scalable Digital CMOS Comparator Using a Parallel Prefix Tree | 2013 |
VL0054 |
Binary Integer Decimal-Based Floating-Point Multiplication | 2013 |
VL0055 |
Design and Implementation of an On-Chip Permutation Network for Multiprocessor System-On-Chip | 2013 |
VL0056 |
Test Patterns of Multiple SIC Vectors: Theory and Application in BIST Schemes | 2013 |
VL0057 |
Memory-Efficient High-Speed Convolution-based Generic Structure for Multilevel 2-D DWT | 2013 |
VL0058 |
Integer Codes Correcting Burst Errors within a Byte | 2013 |
VL0059 |
BPSK System on Spartan 3E FPGA | 2013 |
VL0060 |
FPGA-Based Architecture for a Generalized Parallel 2-D MRI Filtering Algorithm | 2013 |
VL0061 |
Synchronous FPGA-Based High-Resolution Implementations of Digital Pulse-Width Modulators | 2013 |
VL0062 |
Fpga Implementation of point processing using xilinx system generator | 2013 |